Words by Revd G. R. Woodward, melody from Hayn v. Themar (1590)
My sincere thanks to the Clothworkers' Consort of Leeds (conductor, Bryan White), Julia Mascetti (harp) and Duncan Boutwood (organ), for performing this arrangement so nicely, twice, and allowing me to use a recording of it on this web page. Also to the augmented choir of St. John the Baptist, Adel, for airing the first version of the arrangement in 2013.
Please let me know if you're interested in this piece. You can use my home number or e-mail if you have it; otherwise please e-mail me at D.R.H.Gordon@leeds.ac.uk.
Many thanks!
As a matter of courtesy (and for copyright), please let me know if you are downloading this file: | Recording of performance at St. Mark's, Leeds, December 2014. (MP3 format: approx 7 MegaBytes) | Recording of piano reduction (first version, without the harp introduction - starts at bar 15 of the new version) (MP3 format: approx 6 MegaBytes) |
Please e-mail any requests or comments about this site to us at our home address, if you have it. Otherwise please use Daniel's university address, D.R.H.Gordon@leeds.ac.uk. Thank you.
This web site is written and maintained by Daniel Gordon, and hosted by United Hosting. [© D./C.G. 2025]