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C&D home Lace & needlecraft Project

Clare's Crafts

Zwirnknopfe colour study

Playing with colour for wrapped thread buttons.

Started: 18th July 2021
Finished: 25th July 2021


Gina Barrett (2013) Buttons: A passementerie workshop manual, p.43 to 45.

YouTube video by Gina-B Silkworks - Shirtlace button.


32 mm brass rings.

DMC Perle cotton thread size 5


Intending to use same colours for a series of buttons, changing which colour is used for which wraps to see what the different effects are on a single pattern.

I've used the three colours in six combinations.  The different placements make a surprising difference to each button.  Very satisfying.

Used extra stitches on buttons which made them look more even than previous buttons.

Gave one button to Desiree.  Replaced it with same version of colours.


Web link:

Status: Finished

Categories: Highlights,Other crafts,Buttony,Zwirnknopf,Photos required

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