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C&D home Lace & needlecraft Project

Clare's Crafts

Row counter bracelets

Started: 20th May 2013
Finished: 20th May 2013


Found on web via Sutherland studios

Second version also found on web, but not sure where.


Various beads from Yum Yum Beads in Leeds.


First made 20th May 2009: Purple cord and silver "findings". Purple and green beads.  Works well but not sure how long cord will last.  Small beads in particular move backwards and forwards frequently.

Second version - 20th August 2010, and more in 2013: Used beading wire rather than cord and crimps to fix the beads etc.  Used beads from previous version as cord was starting to wear as feared.

Beading wire seems to work well.

Makes most sense to put catch at end away from the large bead as that makes it difficult to open the catch.  Alternatively, used magnetic clasps for later versions and those work well as long as they are strong enough.

Unfortunately don't have photos of all of the bracelets I have made. 

Bracelet with large square purple bead given to Mum.

Web link:

Status: Finished

Categories: Other crafts,Beading

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